Week 31 on Nutrisystem #NSNation Blogger Program

The beach trip was fun! We went with 4 other couples and 3 of us couples had to sleep in built in bunk beds. Of course all of us females took the bottom and made the men sleep on top. Made for funny nights when you see the guys sleeping on the floor or the couches the next morning because it was too much of an inconvenience to get up and down during the middle of the night to pee after a long night of drinking.

I didn’t drink too much, and by too much I mean getting stupidly drunk, and when we had meals I didn’t over stuff myself. Like one morning I had 1 pancake, a slice of bacon and a side of mixed fresh fruit along with my  naked fruit drink. Even though I didn’t bring along any Nutrisystem food, I think I did pretty well considering. Once the weekend was over, I came back and only had gained 2lbs. Normally a weekend like this I would have gained 4-5lbs because of the drinking and the bad food. I knew part of it was because of the sodium intake as well, so I should be able to get this off pretty easily in the next few days. So as you can see, I am pretty much yo-yo’ing around 194-196lbs. But I know I can get lower, just going to take some
determination on my part!

Starting Weight: 5’11” @ 230.8
Current Weight: 196.8 lbs
Week 1: -6.4lbs
Week 2: -1.8lbs 
Week 3: -1.4lbs 
Week 4: -1.6lbs 
Week 5: -1.4lbs 
Week 6: -1.6lbs
Week 7: -1.2lbs
Week 8: -1.2lbs
Week 9: -.7lbs
Week 10: -2.5lbs
Week 11: -.2lbs
Week 12: -3.2lbs
Week 13: +.6lbs
Week 14: -1.6lbs
Week 15: -3.2lbs
Week 16:  – .8lbs
Week 17:  +1.4lbs
Week 18:  – 3.6lbs
Week 19:  – 2.6lbs
Week 20:  + 1.7lbs
Week 21: + 1.3lbs
Week 22: – 2lbs
Week 23: – .4lbs
Week 24: – 1.6lbs
Week 25: +1lbs
Week 26: – 1.5lbs
Week 27: – 1.5lbs
Week 28: – 2lbs
Week 29: +2.8lbs
Week 30: -2lbs
Week 31: +2lbs
Total Loss: 34 lbs

Want to lose weight and get healthy on Nutrisystem? Join today by calling 1-888-853-4689 or by visiting http://www.nutrisystem.com/nsblog 

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free for my review purposes only.  All opinions are 100% my own and were not influenced in any way 

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I May Have a Slight Slot Machine Addiction

I think I have a new addiction that doesn’t pertain to blogging or video games. This ones a little more money consuming but it is oh so fun. I went to the beach this past weekend for a vacation and my boyfriend and I stopped by the casino to do a little winning. Usually I am not a gambler because I like to save my money, but sometimes it’s fun to see if you can win a little more. Now don’t get me wrong, I am not the type of person that doesn’t set a limit to spend. I AM NOT THAT CRAZY! And when I do win something, whether big or small (most likely small since I have not won anything big yet) I always pull it out of the machine and cash it out and stick maybe another $5 in to see if its still hitting. When it isn’t, I move on. Usually I put in my set amount and then come back with the same amount, so I’m not really losing anything and I get enjoyment from it.

The funny thing is, I used to give my mom and grandma shit for going to the casino and spending copious amounts of money. They still do it, AND I am still wiser — with my money.

I am not a pro. I have no idea how to play these million line, credit machines for a penny. I have been doing a little research on SlotMachinesForum before I go to Vegas again, so that I can maybe come back with hundreds extra, or even thousands? One can wish.
I think I’m going to be more daring and try the $1 machines since those seem to pay out more. My boyfriend won 1600 on one of those with just a dollar, so maybe it will be my turn to win. 😉
Wish me luck, cause I am going to need it!

Week 30 on Nutrisystem #NSNation Blogger Program

I am off to the beach for a nice beach house vacation! There will be booze, and BBQ type foods, but I am going to make sure not to eat too much crap and drink too many high calorie/sugary mixers. I’d just bring my Nutrisystem food, but I enjoy a nice meal once a week. Not to say that Nutrisystem is not nice, it’s just not something you particularly crave if you get my drift.

I envision long walks on the beach, campfires, and board games with booze o’plenty. =) Wish me luck!

Starting Weight: 5’11” @ 230.8
Current Weight: 194.8 lbs
Week 1: -6.4lbs
Week 2: -1.8lbs 
Week 3: -1.4lbs 
Week 4: -1.6lbs 
Week 5: -1.4lbs 
Week 6: -1.6lbs
Week 7: -1.2lbs
Week 8: -1.2lbs
Week 9: -.7lbs
Week 10: -2.5lbs
Week 11: -.2lbs
Week 12: -3.2lbs
Week 13: +.6lbs
Week 14: -1.6lbs
Week 15: -3.2lbs
Week 16:  – .8lbs
Week 17:  +1.4lbs
Week 18:  – 3.6lbs
Week 19:  – 2.6lbs
Week 20:  + 1.7lbs
Week 21: + 1.3lbs
Week 22: – 2lbs
Week 23: – .4lbs
Week 24: – 1.6lbs
Week 25: +1lbs
Week 26: – 1.5lbs
Week 27: – 1.5lbs
Week 28: – 2lbs
Week 29: +2.8lbs
Week 30: -2lbs
Total Loss: 36 lbs

Want to lose weight and get healthy on Nutrisystem? Join today by calling 1-888-853-4689 or by visiting http://www.nutrisystem.com/nsblog 

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free for my review purposes only.  All opinions are 100% my own and were not influenced in any way 

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Smooth Operator or Something.

On Saturday, I decided that since I was pretty much caught up with homework for the day for the most part that I would go to the bar with my boyfriend and watch the UFC fights. I straightened my hair, put on a little bit of makeup, some tight jeans and a tank top and headed out the door. 

We had the whole middle table of the bar reserved since it’s the best spot in the house. Even though I have been dieting on Nutrisystem (as I have mentioned a million times before), I didn’t let that stop me from enjoying myself in having a few high calorie, alcoholic beverages. After I was finished with my first, I drank some water and waited until my boyfriend was done with his so that we could order the jumbo 34oz to share. I would drink it alone, but they make it a 2 person requirement. BOO! So we ordered the hula whoo whoo, which contains a copious amount of booze AND 151. I wasn’t drunk or anything but I was feeling pretty good, flirting with my boyfriend enjoying the company of those that came with us.
My boyfriend walks to the other end of the table to talk to his gym friends and I sit there quietly finishing my booze and checking my email on my kindle fire. Then I get something in my ear to my left. I look over and its the guy that passed me to go to the bathroom. He asks me for my name. I kindly tell him, but look a little disinterested since I am not the least bit interested, obviously because I have a boyfriend. He asks if I’m there alone? I pointed to the whole table and said, “No, I’m with them”. He was here before we got here so he should have seen that when I walked in. I know he’s probably just trying to make small talk, but he’s not very smooth. He then proceeds to ask me to come sit with him and his family at another table. I turned my head down and then ignored him from there. LOL I commend him for getting the courage to come talk to me, but I find it quite funny when guys try to hit on me with my boyfriend there. I looked at my boyfriend while he was talking to me and he is staring at me smiling, kind of giggling. He comes over and says, ” way out of your league buddy, is what I was thinking the whole time.” It’s kind of nice for people to take notice in how good you’re starting to look. With almost 40lbs lost, it’s a big confidence booster. Although, with drinking this summer and BBQ’s, it’s now closer to 35lbs again

Week 29 on Nutrisystem #NSNation Program!

As I mentioned in last weeks post, I was going camping and most of the Nutrisystem food is microwavable that I receive, and obviously that wasn’t going to work. I don’t usually request lunch bars since they’re basically just chocolate, and peanut butter, which to me is not lunch but more of a dessert. So I just never request those in my orders. I did, however, bring along some turkey burgers to have while we were there and I did drink copious amounts of lite beer and clamato juice. I made sure to walk up and down the hill that was in the campground numerous times so that I was getting SOME exercise in. I imagine if I actually played paintball instead of being a wuss that I would have burned a lot of calories, but I have this fear of pain. Mostly because I can bruise at the slightest touch. If that’s possible, I cannot even fathom what it would be like to get hit by a flying, hard paint ball.

The whole time I was concerned about my weight because I was feeling disgustingly huge. We get home and I immediately go step on the scale and it says 200. ACK!!!! How did I gain 6lbs in 2 days!?!? It was that damn clamato I tell you. SO much sodium that I swear it bloated me to as far as I could expand, and caused me to retain water. Over the next couple of days my weight went down to 195.8lbs, almost to where I was but not quite there yet. WHEW!! Then the following Wednesday, my sister wanted me to make an impromptu trip to stay at the beach with them. We went out and had lunch and made dinner and etc at their house a couple times. I only gained a pound according to the scale, so now I’m back up to 196.8, which overall is a 2.8lb gain.. EEK! I hate how easily my hard work can be thrown off track at the drop of a hat.

I am still at least under 200lbs and that’s all I ask for. I wonder if I will ever make my goal weight of 180? I guess only time and perseverance will tell.

Starting Weight: 5’11” @ 230.8
Current Weight: 196.8 lbs
Week 1: -6.4lbs
Week 2: -1.8lbs 
Week 3: -1.4lbs 
Week 4: -1.6lbs 
Week 5: -1.4lbs 
Week 6: -1.6lbs
Week 7: -1.2lbs
Week 8: -1.2lbs
Week 9: -.7lbs
Week 10: -2.5lbs
Week 11: -.2lbs
Week 12: -3.2lbs
Week 13: +.6lbs
Week 14: -1.6lbs
Week 15: -3.2lbs
Week 16:  – .8lbs
Week 17:  +1.4lbs
Week 18:  – 3.6lbs
Week 19:  – 2.6lbs
Week 20:  + 1.7lbs
Week 21: + 1.3lbs
Week 22: – 2lbs
Week 23: – .4lbs
Week 24: – 1.6lbs
Week 25: +1lbs
Week 26: – 1.5lbs
Week 27: – 1.5lbs
Week 28: – 2lbs
Week 29: +2.8lbs
Total Loss: 34 lbs

Want to lose weight and get healthy on Nutrisystem? Join today by calling 1-888-853-4689 or by visiting http://www.nutrisystem.com/nsblog.  

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free for my review purposes only.  All opinions are 100% my own and were not influenced in any way 

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