If you’ve reached this post then you know that most beauty products on the market aren’t good for the biggest and one of the most important organ; the skin. It’s the first thing that people notice about you. I’m not gonna lie. My skin texture leaves little to be desired. I have freckles which are caused from the sun so that means I have sun damaged skin. I was tired of using products with parabens, propylene glycol, paraffin, sodium lauryl sulfate, you know, the bad chemicals that absorb into your skin and cause all kind of issues like dry skin, hair loss, inhibit skin cell growth and cause possible cancer. Anything that I can do to avoid these conditions is a must in my book!
I am a little late getting this DIY all-natural body butter salve recipe for dry winter skin up, but now’s just as perfect time as any since it’s still winter and most of us are still dealing with dreaded dry skin.