When I was younger, my parents/grandparents used to take us to the Fort Vancouver so we could watch the fireworks display every year for the Fourth, which is the biggest fireworks display west side of the Mississippi (or so they claim). Well, they had been canceling it, banning fireworks in the city, then reinstating the fireworks display as of recently. So I figured since they were doing the fireworks, and we had no camping plans this year, that we would take our daughter to watch the fireworks. I want to make traditions and memories with her that she can look back on with us. Plus, it would be the first time she would see fireworks and actually be aware. The last time was on the beach in Hawaii, but she was 7 months old and oblivious. lol
That late afternoon, we went to my mom’s for a BBQ and to swim. I decided to do a simple OREO Dessert treat to bring along using Red Velvet OREO’s, milk, whipped cream and added strawberries and blueberries to make it a little more festive. Surprisingly, the fruit on top wasn’t half bad with it.
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