Baby girl turned a year on the 19th, and even tho my husband is against birthday parties because of religious beliefs, I told him we were doing it anyways. He’s always going to his friends birthday gatherings, so there’s no reason we can’t celebrate the birth of our daughter.
If his family knew tho, I’m pretty sure they’d all be upset, which is why I never posted any birthday pics on Facebook. But I can here since it’s my own personal outlet that they don’t really know about. And if they find out, oh well, I’m sorry. My religious beliefs are not the same. Although I believe in god, I think the whole non birthday celebration thing is silly. The reasoning behind it is because 2 celebrations of birthdays in the bible resulted in murder. Unfortunate, but that was a different time period…
Anyways, Arya’s birthday was good even though she was sick and not feeling up for it. We made it work though, and she always enjoys seeing her cousins who are close in age. We ended up bbq’n and enjoying the nice 80 degree weather that day.
She didn’t really want anything to do with the cupcake, but she was sick, so I’m assuming that partially had something to do with her dislike to try her sugary treat.
She still only has 6 teeth.
Is starting to say mama more frequently.
Is walking without us coaxing her, but still enjoys crawling.
She can now say kitty kitty. She recognizes them on TV and will randomly say kitty kitty really fast. It’s so cute!
She also says tickle tickle and will try to tickle us back.
She understands the word clap and will start clapping if I say it.
She also loves patty cake and loves grabbing my hands to make them clap.
She’s been extra clingy lately, not sure if it got worse cause she was sick or what. But I hear separation anxiety starts around this time. I literally can’t go to the bathroom without a freak out. Not sure why babies feel like we’re leaving them but I try to reassure her I’m not going anywhere. Lol its exhausting but part of motherhood.
Even though there are days where I need a break or two, I love this little baby to pieces.
My baby girl is growing up.. she’s so stinking cute