Vegas was interesting, to say the least
It’s like a whole other experience when you have to be a responsible adult. Hah.
The first day was pure chaos.
There’s so much extra crap you have to bring when you have kids.. like a car seat, stroller, diaper bag, toys, food, etc etc. I felt like I was moving across the country with how much stuff we shoveled into the airport by ourselves.
The flight there was fine. No turbulence and only one loud outburst from baby. I thought she would end up taking a nap during the 2-hour flight since she usually does around that time, but nope.
New environment, too much excitement… must stay awake mommy! She did end up falling asleep for the last 20 min we were in the air. Hey, I’ll take what I can get!
So we grab our million items once we get off the plane and go catch the shuttle bus to the car rental place and wait in a long line. My husband was stressing cause his friend was the first UFC fight of the day which started at 3 pm. We landed at 1 pm and got to the shuttle at 1:30 pm. We should have had plenty of time to grab the car and go. Nope. Apparently I scheduled the car pick up for the following day, so our car wasn’t even there. It took an hour back and forth to finally get a minivan, which added $10 to our bill. My husband wasn’t happy about having a minivan when we booked a small SUV, but we didn’t have time to mess around. We finally get going and it’s like a little after 2:30 and he still has to drop me and baby off at Harrah’s to check-in. Next time we’ll just plan for a pickup service from Limo Find
Needless to say, he didn’t end up making it there before 3 pm and actually missed his friend’s fight which got stopped due to injury. This was kind of the whole point of our trip, but we had no clue when he’d be fighting, otherwise, we could have scheduled better flight time for him to make it. It sucks, but what can ya do?
So I was alone with baby waiting to get the check-in email alert that my room was ready but nothing ever came. So I had to go stand in a line after all even though I attempted to avoid it by the email text check-in they sent the day of our arrival. Meh.
Once I got into the room though, it was great; nice and newly updated. Not the nicest room we’ve ever stayed in, but it was pretty decent!
I basically just stayed in the room to nap with her and walked around the hotel a bit to get food.
Other than that it was a pretty boring first day…
Since this post is long enough, ill update with another.