Week 35 on Nutrisystem #NSNation Blogger Program!

Since I went on a backpacking trip last Thursday morning – Saturday evening, I didn’t get a chance to weigh in on Friday. I like to weigh myself the same exact date and time to give myself a fair measurement for the week. So since I didn’t get to do that before I left, I have no idea how much I weighed while doing Nutrisystem for the week. I went out to dinner on Wednesday, so I have a feeling…

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Week 34 on Nutrisystem #NSNation Program!

Look what happens when you stay home or “in” for the week and stick to your Nutrisystem diet plan. I did eat a couple of dinners that I cooked for the boyfriend, only because I got tired of the leftovers going to waste in the fridge from sitting in there for so long. But I know my limits, so I didn’t see anything outrageous on the scale this week. I partially blame Guild Wars 2 for keeping me in, since…

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Week 33 on Nutrisystem #NSNation Program!

I went to my first PAX this year as you already knew from my last post about it and I had a great time!! I was a little overwhelmed with everything there but that’s to be expected when it’s a crazy convention full of gaming folks such as myself. There were so many lines for EVERYTHING and I just wanted it to be quick. I compare it to Disneyland. You gotta wait to enjoy the 5 minute ride, or in…

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PAX 2012 (My First Time)

I must say, I was pretty nervous about going to PAX since I heard how overwhelming it could be. That didn’t stop me from enjoying it though! *puts big girl panties on* I did only get a Saturday pass since this was my first PAX ever and didn’t really know what to expect. There was so much to see, so much to do and my friend Rachael was right, I should have gotten a 3-day. But now I hear next…

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Week 32 on Nutrisystem #NSNation Blogger Program

I am leaving for Seattle to go to PAX tomorrow, which is a video game convention started by the Penny Arcade. I am yet again not eating Nutrisystem food during the weekend, but that seems to be the norm this summer since I am super busy come summer time. Now if it was fall or winter, you best believe I won’t be having nothing to do but eat. lol I do plan on visiting the Crab Pot that was featured…

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