Are you one of those plastic cup collectors because your glasses end up breaking and not lasting more than 6 months? Yeah me too! There’s nothing classy or modern about plastic eatery, so I was looking to upgrade with something a little more stylish and hopefully long lasting. These Ozeri Moderna Artisan Series Double Wall Beverage Glasses on Amazon caught my eye because of their shape and their thick double walls.
These glasses come in a set of 4 or 8 and in size 8, 12 and 16 oz. I opted for the 8 and 12 because I knew these were probably going to be a little bit thicker than normal glasses with their double walls, AND because I have very little cupboard space and I was right.
I figured these would be perfect for when we upgrade our house (wishful thinking) and have a man cave with a bar or what have you.
In the photo above, I made a coffee beverage and noticed that it kept the glass cool enough for me to grab onto and hold, which was nice — no burning hand!
You may notice that there are dimples in the glass which were hand blown to help with gripping since these are kind of wide like mentioned above.
I’ve used the 12 oz for bedtime ice water and love that there’s no condensation which leave my coaster hanging on for dear life.
I like the fact that these can also be used in the dishwasher and microwave. I’ve tried the dishwasher already and everything has came out fine and sparkly clean.
Love these glasses, they seem to be very well made.