“I received this product for free from Moms Meet to use and post my honest opinions. Compensation for this post was provided and this page may contain affiliate links.
In today’s modern world, devices are pretty much in every home whether we like to admit it or not. I just wished I would have thought about the repercussions instead of being in the “moment” of getting our girls’ a tablet early on. My 6-year-old is pretty addicted and I needed something to help lessen the amount of time she spends on her tablet. Ever since she discovered Minecraft this past year, she hasn’t wanted to really play with toys. That to me is a big problem because being imaginative with toys and outside play should be the main activity of her day at this age. I blame myself though since I needed something to distract her while I took care of her younger sister. Parenting is hard. But I am taking control of all of our internet activity with Circle Home Plus.
Control Your Internet Usage With Circle Home Plus
The #1 comprehensive screen time management solution, Circle is committed to making families’ lives better, online and off. They envision a world where families find balance, set healthy limits, build good habits, and get the best out of their digital experiences, rather than being consumed by them. Circle’s screen time management and parental controls solution is the easiest way to manage all your family’s connected devices—everywhere—and keep kids safe online.
Just the facts
• Circle Parental Controls is the simplest way for families to manage screen time and filter content on all their Internet-connected devices, from tablets and smartphones to gaming consoles and smart TVs.
• Circle enables screen-time management both inside and outside the home, making it the most complete solution on the market to keep kids safe online. (The hardware allows families to manage all devices in-home, while the app allows for management of mobile devices on the go.) The Circle App lets parents quickly customize settings and features appropriate for each child in the family. With just a few clicks, you can set:
• Age-appropriate filters for different websites and apps (or block content
all together)
• Time limits for both individual apps and categories of content
• Bedtimes that automatically disconnect devices from the Internet
• Pause/temporarily turn off Internet connectivity for a single-family member or everyone at the same time
• Focus Time to restrict access to certain sites for specific periods of the day—a perfect tool to keep distance learning or homework time on track
• Circle Home Plus typically retails for $69 for a three-month subscription, $129 for a one-year subscription, or $299 for a lifetime subscription (all plans include the Circle Home Plus device and Circle App access).
This device was purchased with the intent of helping us manage the internet usage/content within our house. I can say it does just that! Beware though, it doesn’t prevent any offline games if you are concerned about game usage like “Minecraft”. Still, it manages time well and it also has content filters that can filter a wide variety of things. You can also set individual time limits per app which is a cool feature. We’ve used it the last week and it’s already made a huge difference in every aspect of our lives.
We have more family time and less mindless scrolling or watching.
Save 20% on your purchase of a Circle Home Plus device + 1-year app subscription or Circle Home Plus device + Lifetime app subscription at momsmeet.link/circlehomeplusshop with promo code MOMSMEET2021.
Valid until 10/15/21. One promo code use per person.