Did you know right now at Walmart you can feed your baby 60, 4 oz bottles for under $20.00?

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Post sponsored by Lunchbox but all opinions are my own.

Now we all know that breast milk is way more nutritious than formula, but that’s not what this post is about… this post is for those that have to either supplement (like myself) or who strictly use formula for whatever reason to find options that fit their budget. There’s no judgement here!

If you’re a first time mom you probably have no clue where to start like myself. I automatically assumed the big name brand formulas were the best option because of just that, “name brand”. But what I didn’t know is that store brand options are essentially the same thing, only they’re a fraction of the cost. So why do we pay more for name brand just because we assume it’s better?

I’m all for giving the store brand options a try. In fact, I just tried Parent’s Choice Formula which is Walmart’s store brand formula and it was only $19.98 for a 35 oz tub of the Advance Stage 2. Something similar in name brand formula would be upwards of $30+ per can! YIKES!



I can get roughly 60, 4 oz bottles out of a container which is great because that’s all she’s drinking at a time with formula anyways and only 3 times a day because we’re supplementing. So 12 oz a day, which is 3 bottles, this would last me about 20 days, so on average I’d be spending about $30 a month on formula. Now, if you only use formula and don’t supplement, then your cost per month is going to be quite a bit higher depending on how much your little one drinks.

Parent’s Choice Formula Information

  • Parent’s Choice is clinically proven to be as well tolerated as Enfamil® and Similac®
  • Parent’s Choice is nutritionally comparable to all the expensive baby formula brands, including Enfamil®, Similac® and Gerber® national brand infant formulas
  • You can use the Parent’s Choice Baby Formula Finder to select the best formula for your baby.
  • Clinically proven to support growth and development.
  • Easy to digest and has been well tolerated by millions of babies.
  • Parent’s Choice meets all infant’s formula nutritional standards and the recommendation of the AAP – the American Academy of Pediatrics

My little one tolerates store brand formula well, so this was an easy and inexpensive switch for us. Our pocketbook thanks us, so that we’re able to spend elsewhere for baby.

Visit Parent’s Choice Formula to learn more about Parent’s Choice being the quality, affordable choice for your baby!


That’s not all, enter for a chance to win $100 Visa Gift Card and Samples of Parent’s Choice Formula on the widget below. Good Luck!!

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