If you want a little back story, here’s my first post on breastfeeding.
Although I was intent on making it work for as long as possible, that doesn’t mean I was thrilled or happy about it. I wanted to do what was best for baby, but this time around I think I want to do what is best for my mental health and well being and just enjoy the 2nd baby and my other child as much as possible.
I was tied to the couch pretty much 24/7 for the first 6 months either pumping or having my baby girl latched to the boob. There’s just no way possible that I am going to be able to do that with a now needy toddler running around.
I was also so angry at my husband for being able to do the things that I used to be able to do, like play video games, go out to bars for a drink or bite to eat with friends, concerts, etc. I just became permanently annoyed with him. I call it angry wife post partum. This wasn’t ALL the time, but it was frequent enough to bother me since I felt alone.
Breastfeeding is seriously one of the most stressful things I have done. Not just because I never had my boobs free, but the constant pain, the low supply issues and never getting a good nights rest. After she started eating solids steadily, it became better. I wasn’t always needing to constantly whip out the boob even though she would have prefered it. I could go to the store for an hour without having to find a place to sit down and feed her.
I know I shouldn’t have to explain my reasoning, but I know I will get “why’s?” since I breastfed my first for so long.
Those are my why’s, so please don’t judge. Yes, breast is best, but so is a happy, sane mother.
You do you. I don’t think there’s a right or wrong answer here, not matter what judgy folks say.
Stacie @ Divine Lifestyle recently posted…Where to Eat in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania #LovePGH @vstpgh
I totally get you!! You feel like a milk machine. My first i breast fed until 8 weeks. When baby cries mommy cried. My husband said I’d resent the baby if I didn’t give it up. I felt so guilty. But I was so much happier!! My second I lasted 2 days (bad latch and mastitis) my third I did for 6 months!!
You always need to do what is best for your family! If it is breast-feeding longer great, if it is not breast-feeding at all that’s fine too. I think a lot of people feel like you did.
Jeanette recently posted…How to Plan a Perfect Spring Staycation
I think moms should do whatever they feel is best and everyone else should stay out of it. That’s my take.
Bill Sweeney recently posted…Where to Eat in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania #LovePGH @vstpgh
Whatever works for you is the rest choice! It can be a very draining experience, especially when they are so young.
There is a fine line between what is best for baby and what is best for mommy. Ultimately if mom is not happy baby won’t be either. Forget about dad – we don’t need to care if he is happy LOL just joking, sort of.
I would feel the same way as you did if my husband were going out having fun while I was stuck at home.
Look, not everyone is meant to breastfeed. I wish you could pump long enough for your baby to get the colostrum but if you can’t you can’t and no one has a right to judge you.
Yes we all know breast is best but for every awesome breastfeeding mom out there who would judge I am sure we could find other ways in which she fails in another sector of life.
To each their own!
Joely Smith recently posted…Our American Journey Experience So Far
I think it is important to do what you think is going to be the best thing for you. Mom has to be able to function. Cluster feeding can be almost impossible when there are other kids to take care of.
I hate getting the “why’s” when it comes to making choices for my son, so I totally know where you’re coming from. Power to you – it’s your body and your family, you know what’s best for you!
Lisa Favre recently posted…Fashion Board: A Spring in my Step
My son is three year old now and I quit breastfeed when he was 1 year old because I need to work. I think what you did it’s not a wrong move, every mom knows what’s the best.
It’s your body and I know that you know what will be best for you and your daughter, ignore about “why’s” from people.
What you decide to do or feel is your decision đŸ™‚ When my friend had her son, she said it’s a lot of work. I didn’t understand it until she explained it and she made the decision not to breast free at all. It wasn’t a good experience for her.
Oyinkan Ogunleye recently posted…Color Block Into Spring With These 4 Looks
Breastfeeding is so hard, I can totally relate to how you feel. My daughter never latched on so I was always pumping and rarely sleeping. It can really be hard to admit it at times but it isn’t for everyone despite the constant pressure from the world.
Melissa Dixon recently posted…Celebrating Real Heroes this Single Parent’s Day
Pumping can definitely be hard and stressful. I didn’t have to, and I went everywhere my husband and brought the baby along, whether we needed to nurse or not. I’ve nursed all of my children for more than 12 years, and it’s something I cherish. I cannot wait to nurse my upcoming new arrival.
Stephanie Pass recently posted…Pretty Pintastic Party #148
I think it is great to do what makes you feel comfortable as a mom. You should be happy with your choices but also, don’t feel guilty to take time to do those things like play video games or whatever else you feel is missing. It is okay to have you time.
My first one I only lasted 3 months but with my second we are at 27 months and still going. I would say to just give it a shot and find what works best for you. I had a lot of struggles and realized that pumping wasn’t for me the second time around.
That is true, I would probably still give it a try since they promote it in the hospital but I will for sure not be pumping. Its just a waste of time for so much effort when you don’t get much out of it anyways.
You have to do what’s right for you. Being a mom is one of the hardest jobs.
It’s like we were thinking alike when we posted this. lol. I know how you feel. Be strong mom, things will get better. Do what you think is best for your kids not what others think.
i am not a mom but i think you have to do what makes you feel right. its all about what works best for you and your family
Dawn Gibson-Thigpen recently posted…NEW Translucent Loose Setting Powder for DARKER SKIN| Laura Mercier!
I definitely think it all depends on what’s best for you and your baby! There’s no wrong answer – and I don’t think it’s for anyone to decide but yourself!
Amen to putting your mental health first. I, too, had supply issues, so when I returned to work after my maternity leave I decided not to pump (effectively ending my breastfeeding career). I gotta say, I totally get why it’s so important, but people get way too worked up when women decide not to do it. I like reading posts like these that normalize a women’s right to say “no, thanks.”