Yup, there’s a new one every couple of months! Ha
She arrived safely on October 5th and is a healthy 8lbs 1oz, which is her biggest yet.
Look at that cute little chunky face.
I was hoping she’d come out looking more like my sister since most of her kids look like their dad, but I guess our genes are not powerful enough since most of our families girls look like their dads.
I cant even remember my baby girl being that little and it was only 17 months ago.
I’ve been contemplating whether I should or shouldn’t have another kid myself. I feel like I have angry post partum. Not so towards my daughter, but my husband. I’m pretty sure it’s still steming from hormones and me not liking him going out often or playing video games while I get to sit at the house with our daughter. I feel like mostly everything has changed for me and nothing has changed for him. He’s toned down a bit since I told him I’m tired of him running off to play video games upstairs when he could be enjoying that time playing with his daughter. All I know is that if things don’t tone down more, I wont be having another baby. And he knows this.
Anyone else ever had angry post partum at their husbands?
I haven’t but I would had I been dealing with it like that. He should help out more for sure. I hope you get some relief.
Dina recently posted…Organizational hacks for Caregivers #ad #MyCaregivingStory
Congratulations! She is beautiful. I have angry pregnancies. 😉 I am always so uncomfortable and develop all these aches and pains. I am much happier when the babies are out.
Paisley is absolutely beautiful and I love her name!
I still have angry post-partum 20 years later. Is that normal? No…I’m just kidding. I didn’t have it. I had two in-vitro babies so my circumstances were different. 🙂
She is so beautiful! I just love the name too. One of my friends from growing up named her daughter the same. Such a great name.
Awe she is adorable. I think it is normal to feel some resentment towards your Husband. Communication is key. You need to be able to communicate to him that you feel this way.
Your niece is adorable. I totally understand how the video game playing would annoy you. For him, it might just be how he deals with stress. Having a baby is stressful and it is hard on both parents. I will be honest, mom’s typically do more. And some dads think if mom stays at home and doesn’t work, that the baby duties are all yours. It isn’t right and your daughter deserves his attention. But maybe you two can come to a compromise on the situation.
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Congratulations on your beautiful niece! I love seeing baby pictures. It reminds me of when my little guys were babies.
Oh my gosh! She is so cute. Makes me want to have another baby, just kidding. She is precious though. =)
I can certainly relate to your feelings. We have one child who is now four, and I think we are done. I am ready to enjoy our time together as a family.
krystal recently posted…Finding a House for Your Family
Awww sucg a cutipie! I love her name too, perfect for such a pretty baby!
Chubskulit Rose recently posted…#FamilyFunTime at Jamestown Beach, Virginia
She is so precious! I was very angry with my son’s dad for a while after my son was born.
Congrats on the new niece! I have 4 kids (11,9,6 and 5 weeks) and angry postpartum i think is normal once the baby is here and the hormones change and add in little sleep – my husband said after the first one he learned id just be grumpy the first few weeks after one was born just because of it all so he just didnt argue on anything no matter how crazy the request was because he didnt want to make me angry bc id get angry at silly things just from being overtired 🙂
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I don’t think I’ve ever had an angry post partum at my husband. but my sister did. And she vowed not to have another baby again, but then, they had one more. LOL.
Your niece is absolutely adorable! Great shots of her! 🙂
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yay! new babies in the family make the get togethers all the more fun. congrats!
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