If you have a blog, you can make money! That doesn’t mean you have to be on par with the top dogs in the blogosphere to get sponsored post opportunities, you can be small, or even brand new, but numbers do help in the decision process of being chosen. Work on growing your social network followers, improving your stats, and connect and make friends with fellow bloggers. Remember, we’re not here to compete with each other, we’re here to help each other.
I have compiled a list of reputable websites that I am a member of and have worked with in the past and present to help get you started in the right direction to making money on your blog. Take into consideration though, that becoming a member doesn’t necessarily guarantee that you’ll get in on every blogging opportunity you sign up for, so you’ll need to take some necessary steps to increase your chances of being chosen.
I used to get opportunities for this site all the time, but lately, they have been picky about choosing and want high stats.
Best Buy Wolf Bloggers:
This one I have been a member of for probably a year but didn’t recently start getting opportunities until Dec 2013. I’ve done 2 sponsored posts with them and for each, I’ve received a $50 Best Buy Gift Card to be redeemed in-store or online. You do have to come up with your own content, but they do require that you post some of theirs as well, so it’s easy peasy. I did notice that once I properly filled out my profile and provided some of my media kit information, I have been getting accepted more. They do offer out other review products like Dyson vacuums, electronics devices and so on, but I imagine they require you to be a big dog for those opps. I have yet to be selected for those ones, but that’s okay, I’m fine with working my way up.
Sverve: (Now Activate)
Sverve just came out not too long ago, maybe 6 months or so ago and it’s now one of my new favorites! You can apply to campaigns that you feel suit your blog audience and either accept the price they specify or put a price you feel is worth your time and hope to be accepted. I’ve gotten quite a few from them and they always pay pretty fast; every Saturday it seems like. This one is also kind of like a social media site as well, so even if you don’t want to do sponsored posts, join it just for that fact. I’ve noticed that if you post blogging tips, those seem to get the most likes and shares, so work on doing those and building your network. You can follow me here if you like and I always follow back when I have time and even endorse you for the areas of influence you selected at sign up to give your score a boost. Just make sure they’re ones you want to be featured on your profile because you cannot change them. I wished I would have known this when I signed up. Since this post, they have merged themselves with bloglovin’ Activate.
This is mainly a product review site, but they just recently starting implementing getting paid for reviews if you see the money symbol next to the opportunity listed. If you fail to do the reviews, it will affect your Tomoson score and you’ll obviously be less likely to be chosen for future reviews. Just make sure that it’s something you’re absolutely positive you want to review and ask yourself whether the product value is worth your efforts or if you need compensation for it. Most bloggers are just going to take the product and run, so if you put a price on the review, you might not be chosen. I suggest starting out with this site to get you started on the review process if you’re new to reviewing products. They have lots to choose from, mostly non-high value products, but it helps get your foot in the door to bigger opportunities.
I haven’t gotten too many offers on this website, but I have gotten a couple, some worth my time and some not. Last month I got one opp worth $150 for a simple post. I, of course, was ecstatic because that has been the highest priced sponsored post I have gotten as of yet. Hoping more like that come my way! There are over 100k bloggers on this website so you’ll have some competition, but may be lucky like me and get an offer like I did! Doesn’t hurt to sign up and see what happens.
Post Joint:
Post-Joint is a website that has already pre-written content that you won’t find anywhere else on the web. You can either specify a price if they don’t have one listed or apply for the price they do. An easy way to earn cash, but be sure to select categories that fit your blog niche, you don’t want to have just anything and everything selected. Let’s say you’re a food blogger, you probably don’t want to select something that’s automobile related. Your readers will be thrown off and it might affect your fan base negatively if you do. Remember, the compensation is not worth it!
Bloggy Moms:
This one’s kind of similar to Sverve since they’re both like a social networking site. In fact, I was chosen to be a featured blogger which means the posts that I add to the site automatically are on the front page. Great way to get your blog views up! Plus, they send out occasional opportunities if they feel they fit your blog niche. I haven’t participated in one yet, but look forward to it in the future!
Massive Sway:
Is a collaboration between the SITS girls and Sway Group. They bring you paid opportunities on a weekly basis. I have signed up for this one but have yet to be accepted for an opportunity. I imagine they’re looking for people with high stats on social media accounts and Google Analytics. They currently have an offer sitting in there for $200 for a post, worth a shot to try and get into it!
Social Fabric:
This one is kind of hard to get into because they’re only looking for a specific type of niche. If you’re a deal/coupons/money saving/freebie site like myself, they won’t accept you. But, if you’re a general/lifestyle/mommy blogger, I am sure you will have no problems getting in.
Clever Girls Collective:
Like Social Fabric, they’re only looking for a specific niche. I also heard they work with big name companies and have post opps for $100+. Doesn’t hurt to try and get accepted if you’re a general/lifestyle/mommy blogger. I am probably going to have to start working on my personal blog some more to get into this one! LOL
Of course, there are many more websites out there to earn money for sponsored post opportunities, but in order to not make the post any longer, we’ll stop here for now and continue on with part 2 at a future date.
- As always, you must disclose when doing a sponsored post to keep it in ordinance with the FTC guidelines.
- And always make sure your links to the specified websites are no-follow even if the advertiser says they must be do-follow. A handy tip: If you’re paid for a post, all links must be no-follow according to Google. You will be dinged for it if you do not follow these rules, which will hurt your page rank. It’s definitely not worth all your hard work!
Nice compilation. I’m checking out some of these sponsored post sites.
Grace Cinotti recently posted…Browse This Site
What a great resource for bloggers! I have a permanent linky on The Ultimate Linky where you can link up posts about blogging. Thanks for linking up with the Bloggers Brags Pinterest Party. I have pinned your post to the Bloggers Brags Pinterest Board!
Tammy @ creativekkids recently posted…Scattered Saturdays on Sunday
Thank you! There are a couple of these that I haven’t heard of, so I’ll check them out.
I Lelong To Most But There Were A Few I Didn’t Know About Thank You So Much For Sharing!!
Lisa Jones recently posted…My Babies Are Too Smart!
I hadn’t heard of blogdash or post joint before. Thanks!
Stacey @ Cheap is the New Classy recently posted…Save $40 On Norton by Symantec @Coupons @NortonOnline #ad #ProtectwithNorton
Very nice list for bloggers…. come check out http://www.kungphoo.com also – we except everyone!
Thank you for sharing! Bookmarking so I can come back and apply to join the ones I already do not belong to. Thank you!
Great list. I haven’t heard of some of them and am definitely signing up.
Michelle F. recently posted…MIRA Stainless Steel Lunch Box and Snack Box Container Set Review
Thank you for sharing these. A few of these sites I hadn’t heard of and can look into. My blog has been a way to supplement our family’s income.
Farrah recently posted…Cleaning with Shaklee Review & Giveaway
What a great list. I am a part of a few of those but haven’t really tried to do any of the sponsored posts yet. It is something I hope to start looking into more seriously this summer.
April recently posted…Thursday Thoughts on Hope
Wow thanks Jenn – a few of these I didn’t know about. Appreciate it!
Great resource for bloggers looking for post opportunities.
Thank you for sharing these!, I’ve heard of most of them but the ones I haven’t I am going to look into joining! I really appreciate it. 🙂
Kisa Johnson recently posted…Introducing #Plated
I love this list! I am a member of a few of them but some I have never heard of. I plan on joining social fabric too. Thank you for linking up to the Bloggers Brags Pinterest Party. I have pinned your post to the Bloggers Brags Pinterest board.
Carie recently posted…Asian Pear & Berry Tart
You have some great opportunities to get started with but I seem to be struggling with getting a following. Even after commenting and sharing with other readers, I still feel like I am not reaching enough people. I have been reading tips for growing your following as well. I feel like I must be missing a key component that is right under my nose. I don’t know. Help!
thanks for putting this together! i see several that i’ve been meaning to look into and ones I haven’t heard of yet. I’ve only done Clever Girls, Linqia, and Blogher campaigns before. I’ve been seeing other people use Swerve and Collective Bias.. but I’ve been reluctant to do too many sponsored posts a month though. we’ve been trying to keep them to only one a week, bc otherwise it will dilute our travel content. We’re still trying to figure out a good ratio so it doesn’t just seem like we’re trying to sell stuff to the readers. Always a struggle.
I’m curious which ones do you think gives the best offers. I know that Blogher and Linqia (depending on click thrus) have paid more than Clever girls.. but clever girls has given more opportunities.
Local Adventurer recently posted…Chinese Snacks from Universal Yums International Snack Box
WOW… thank you very much, I had no idea such websites exist. And I have been blogging for over a year now. Thank you very very very much. I literally stumbled upon a gold mine… I will try them out and hopefully I can earn some cash, doing what I love.