A few months ago, we decided to book a camping trip at Detroit Lake, Oregon since our friends had invited us. I was kind of hesitant since baby girl is walking around now and you know, campfires and dirt and uncomfortable air mattresses with a toddler just didn’t sound thrilling. So let’s just say, I had to be optimistic.
It takes about 2 hours from here to there so I knew we needed to leave before she took her late morning/early afternoon nap. We got lucky since she ended up sleeping the entire way there.
We arrive and set up camp, which didn’t take nearly as long as it usually does since we bought an instant tent with poles already attached and ready to go. (Thanks, Target cartwheel for the 40% off! Lol)
I brought her playpen and a new camping play toy set on Amazon which kept her occupied while we set stuff up. Then we freed her, and all was fair game says the running rampant toddler.
She walked around part of the campground saying hi to the campers near us. She’s going to be a social butterfly like her dad. I myself like to avoid conversations with strangers since I’m a little socially awkward. I don’t know if I like her being super friendly since this opens up (in my mind) easy access for kidnapping. Hey, you can never be too cautious with the sick people in the world today. But don’t worry, I’m a helicopter mom. I mean, you got to be when they’re this age…
The campground was okay, maybe a little too cramped for my liking since we had the extra parking spots right in our camp area. It’s almost as if we were in the city with very little yard separating us from our neighbors. I guess in a way it’s nice if you want to mingle with strangers, but I prefer more space when you have to pay to camp.
The lake last year was pretty dried up. It still isn’t where it normally is supposed to be, but it at least had a good amount.
We sat in our inner tubes in the lake for a little bit, but the current kept pushing us up to the shoreline in the 6 inches of water, so our butts were scraping on the rocks. Arya wanted to hop out of the tube and go play on her own. Lol
She’s starting to become too independent… I just want my baby to stay little forever.
She was having so much fun running around that she didn’t want to take a single nap and fought it pretty much all day until 5 pm. And even then, she only slept 30 minutes and was up til 10:30.
She’s enjoying the world. And when she gets older, she’s going to wish she could nap like I currently wish for myself…ha
Overall, Detroit Lake was fun, but it gets pretty cold through the night, so be sure to bring lots of blankets and warm clothes. I was freezing my butt off!
They have free showers to use, a free activity every day to do, AND toilets… No digging holes for me, yay!
So if you’re looking for a luxury style place to camp in Oregon, try Detroit Lake!
We’ve been wanting to go here forever!!!
Meanwhile, boy, is she getting mighty long!!
You should, its pretty nice, but you gotta book way ahead of time for the good spots.
And yes shes my tall girl. Always been taller than her 2 older cousins whom are 3 months and 7 weeks older. Lol
Im 5’10 or 11 and dad is 6’0-6’1
This is fantastic! I am so glad you were able to experience this, camping is such a fun way to get out and enjoy nature. Love the tent you have, really need to get a tent soon!
I love camping, but I totally agree with you about not digging holes for the bathroom. I want to enjoy nature, while still being close to the facilities.
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It looks so beautiful there! I spent a few of my growing-up years in OR and now that I’m in the Midwest and have a family of my own, I can’t wait to take them out there to see the sites! I have never been to Detroit Lake though. The fact that they have toilets there is a big sell! 😉
Lol yeah it was for me too.
I have not been camping in years. That is a beautiful view to have. I will have to look at planning a camping trip.
Camping is something that you have to do with the kids during the summer, it’s perfect for bringing the family closer together and aside from that it’s a nice learning experience for them too. I think this is a lovely place and I’m glad you had fun, especially the little one!
Thank you, I agree!
It looks so beautiful at that camp ground. I have always wanted my family to go camping together. It’s a great way to get away.
It must have been nice having a little camping trip like that. I’m glad your daughter was having fun!
Oh my! What a gorgeous view! I also love the tent you picked up using an awesome coupon!
I’m glad your sweet daughter had a fun time. She looks so adorable napping in the tent! 🙂
I knew she would, she loves the outdoors. Thank you! 🙂
I haven’t been camping in years. This place a looks awesome!
Glad you made it through. I always like if there are toilets and showers when I camp. 🙂
We loved to camp when my kids were younger. The Detroit Lake is a such a beautiful place. Your photos are amazing.
camping is always a good idea..especially during summer.wow free showers ! that absolutely amazing thn
omg, this is so nice my duaghter always wanted to camp as well and stay in her own tent. but now it is too hot in dubai to camp or do glamping outside. love to see the cute pic!
Detroit sounds like fun, I have only been thru never stopped. Camping isnt what we do much of lately. But we used to enjoy it lots!
I bet you guys really enjoyed it, as proven by how lively your kid was during your stay there! I’ll be sure to keep your blanket tips in mind when I go there.
I would love to try camping with my family. I love that place
Love this idea of camping with kids, looks like you all had a fun time! Love the baby photo 🙂
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Oooo looks like y’all had a great time! I just love a good ole camping trip