I decided upon the grey-violet paint color at Lowes since it seemed to work well with the dark bronze colored fixtures. I purchased the faucet on Amazon, which is the Hardware House in Oil Classic Bronze for $35. I didn’t want something super expensive just in case we plan on selling the house. I don’t plan on taking out all the faucets and bringing them with, so I figured this would work and it did at a fraction of what other bronze fixtures cost.
We added a small back splash since there was a small dip behind the sink that was hard to clean, which gives it a little bit more character I think.
If you look in the mirror in the photo on the 2nd you can see that we didn’t paint the slanted ceiling since we didin’t want it to feel too enclosed with grey/purple everywhere. It gives it a bit of contrast. I also wanted to put a frame around the mirror, but my husband wasn’t too keen on it, but I will get my way upstairs for the next bathroom!
I purchased the bronze light with the frosted brown glass at either Lowes or Home Depot for around $27 and I got the hand towel rack, toilet paper holder, toilet paper roll holder and toilet brush all at Ross for around $30. So all of this was down for a little over $100, which isn’t too bad if you ask me. I also want to hang my boxed cubbies in here which would go with the bronze, but my husband is weird about having extra holes in the wall since that means we would need to patch them later on. So weird and annoying.
The prep and the amount of work it took to get it looking nice was way more than I expected, so now I can just imagine how long its going to take us to complete our master bathroom remodel. Mostly because my husband is a procrastinator and doesn’t like to do everything in one sitting. If I were to do it, I probably wouldn’t have done it right. He always brings up the time I put together his BBQ and it fell apart instantly. In my defense, the then roommate pretty much did it himself, so yep, I blame him. I am just not looking forward to it, but I am looking forward to the after. We’re probably going to be doing most of the work ourselves up there since it’s way too expensive to have someone else do it, and we all know I’m all for saving monies.