When my husband was looking to buy a house 12 years ago, I just couldn’t really visualize what he was seeing with our current home. That is until we put our personal touch on it with paint and decor. But I realize now that we have a family, a home is more than just cosmetics.
This post is sponsored & inspired by Solarity Credit Union. However, all thoughts are 100% my own. Solarity helps people get into their dream home with easy home loan applications, signings, and processes you can do digitally! You can learn more here.
Home to me is essentially a safe haven, a comfort zone where we can raise our family and enjoy the fun and sad memories. A place where we can just truly be ourselves free of judgment.
Growing up we didn’t really have the stability of a home since my parents were never homeowners. Even though we lived in numerous places, I could never really call them home because there was always this dreaded fear of having to move again because of unforeseen circumstances. I think we moved about 6 times growing up.
When I moved in with my boyfriend (now husband) 12 years ago, I finally had a sense of belonging. Then we had our 2 daughters and I finally felt “at home”.
Do I think this is our forever home? No. But, I will be sad to be leaving it when the time comes to find a bigger home for our family of 4 because this was our first home together. We started our relationship here. We started our family here and it will be super hard to leave those firsts behind.
A home can mean so many different things to everyone, but my family is essentially my home. I feel myself when I’m with them and would be completely lost without them.
“Home is where your mind is at peace and your heart is at rest.”