Seems like there’s a dedicated day for everything nowadays, am I right!?
And if you’re a big fan of candy corn, then you’re in for some sugary sweet recipes on National Candy Corn Day.
Candy corn is not my fave, but I will try it every now and again. Something about it just makes my teeth pucker and cringe in pain. Oh, that’s right, the amount of sugar that goes into these cone shaped treats.
Candy Corn Recipes for National Candy Corn Day
Candy Corn Donuts
This one may be a little misleading since it doesn’t actually involve any candy corn, but it is made to resemble the candy by using food coloring for the glaze.
I could eat about 5 right now!
Go find this delicious recipe at ChezCateyLou.com
Candy Corn Pretzel Hugs
This recipe caught my eye because it involves a salty base, which helps with the overall sweetness of the candy corn and white chocolate. YUM!
Homemade Candy Corn Recipe
Instead of buying store bought candy corn, go give this home made candy corn recipe a try. It’s a lot more vanilla-y compared to store bought, which means it tastes way better! Although, it’s a little bit stickier too.
I’m going to have to try making my own one of these years.
Go find the recipe at The Kitchen is My Playground.
Peanut Butter Monster Munch Halloween Party Mix
Well, that was a mouthful! I must say though, peanut butter makes everything taste better, including candy corn. This is a fun and festive treat that everyone will enjoy!
I need some of this in my life… like right this instant. /Drool
You can find the recipe at Wholefully.
Candy Corn Bark
Chocolate is my weakness, therefore I must eat this delicious looking candy corn bark after I beg my mom to make it. She’s like the designated candy bark maker creator for the holidays. I always look forward to her treats!
Looks so good, right?
Recipe can be found on The Jenny Evolution. She has a pretty awesome name. 😉
Candy Corn and M&M White Chocolate Fudge
My mother makes a mean fudge too, I’m going to have to have her try this one out this year… because who doesn’t like fudge, M&M’s and candy corn (in moderation of course)?
You can check out the recipe located over at This Gal Cooks
Slow Cooker Candy Corn Hot Chocolate
Who doesn’t love hot chocolate during these cold fall and winter months? put some candy corn candy inside your slow cooker with the hot chocolate and wa-la, candy corn hot chocolate!
you can find this fun recipe over at The Magical Slow Cooker
That’s all for now, I hope your Candy Corn Day celebration is fun and tasty!
Thank you so much for including my candy corn m&m fudge in your roundup. 🙂