Although we like to get outdoors when weather permits, we are a TV-loving family.
My daughter may sit in front of it far too often, which I hate to admit, but sometimes mama needs to get stuff done too. She’s at that stage now where she needs me to play with her in order to play, and if I don’t play with her, she’s glued to my hip. Makes getting things done almost impossible.
So if you’re like me and need some new shows for your toddler or preschoolers entertainment, I recommend checking these out.
Word Party
A Jim Henson Production, so you know it’s good.
This one is my 2-year-olds favorite. It’s based on 4 baby animals who need help learning many new skills from “big kids”, meaning the toddler/preschool viewers. They teach important lessons like brushing your teeth, going to sleep when it’s time for bed, eating veggies and so on. My daughter enjoys the bright colors and the fact that they’re adorable animals. The songs are a bit repetitive in each episode though and the voices are baby voices, so it can become annoying for parents.
Super WHY
An educational CGI animated series aimed at 3-6-year-olds to help them with the alphabet, word families, spelling, comprehension, and vocabulary. My daughter already knows letters, and this show has helped contribute to some of that.
It features fun twists on fairytales too, so it’s educational AND fun! This one is still on the PBS app if you don’t have Netflix.
Masha and the Bear
Is a Russian animated series that has been translated into 25 different languages. The show focuses on the adventures of a little girl named Masha and a fatherly ex-circus bear that always keeps her from disasters.
This one has an old style cartoon feel to it, like the ones with no talking we used to watch as little kids back in the day, only the graphics are incredible! At least, they are on my 4k TV. The rendering is beautifully done, but maybe Netflix broadcasts this one in 4k? I haven’t been able to find information on that though.
This is also another one of my daughter’s faves because of the fun-loving bear! I just wished there were more than 2 seasons of 8 episodes available on Netflix. Make more seasons of Masha and the Bear guys!
Beat Bugs
An animated series originated in Australia and Canada, revolving around the lives and adventures of five charming and funny child-like bugs who live in an overgrown American-style backyard. Each episode contains at least one or two upbeat versions of Beatles songs so it’s not only fun for children but for parents too!
- Jay is a curious, ambitious and impulsive beetle. He often desires to try out new things, and his mischievous interest in the world frequently leads him into trouble.
- Crick (Lili Beaudoin), a cricket, is an inventor who is very intelligent and creative. His inventive mind helps him create devices which help the group out, however sometimes he struggles to see the value in his work.
- Walter Walrus is a slug with a big heart and exceptional storytelling skills. He is very theatrical and loves performing, although he can be highly emotional and sometimes his fear and self-absorption can get in his way.
- Buzz (Rebecca Husain), a fruit fly, is the youngest of the bugs and is very optimistic and enthusiastic. However, sometimes she is easily scared or experiences sadness, and does not always think for herself.
- Kumi is an imaginative ladybug with a zest for life who is very protective of her friends. She is confident and the natural leader of the group, and has developed her own dance-involved variety of martial arts.
- The bugs are fascinated by the humans (“Gigants”) who live in the “Big House” at the edge of the backyard. The youngest human of the house is a girl named Julia (introduced in “I’ve Just Seen a Face”), who Jay seems to relate to.
Luna Petunia
Luna Petunia is a new animated Netflix original series for preschool kids developed by Saban Brands and Cirque du Soleil Média. Inspired by the Cirque du Soleil brand of creativity and entertainment, the series chronicles the adventures of a little girl named Luna Petunia who lives in our world but transports to a magical land called Amazia where she learns how to make the impossible possible, teaching young viewers the importance of believing in themselves and all the wondrous things their mind and body can do.
This one is eye catching to the littles because of its vibrant colors!
Ask the StoryBots
The StoryBots are curious little creatures who live in the world beneath our screens. In each episode, the intrepid quintet of Beep, Bing, Bang, Boop and Bo of Team 341B go on an adventure to the human world to help answer kids’ biggest questions, like “Why is the sky blue?” or “Why do I need to brush my teeth?” They deliver their answer at the end of each episode in the form of a musical video.
I have a 2-year-old daughter that can’t get enough of this show. I just really hope they keep producing more episodes. I love the questions asked by the kids and how the Storybots go about solving their scientific inquiries. Heck, even I learn a thing or two. They don’t make it cheesy or dumb it down, they actually break it down into parts that are easily understood by toddlers. The show has great humor that is safe for kids, but still funny to adults. The songs are great for the intended age group. My daughter gets up and dances to a lot of them. Just an overall wonderful show!
Hopefully, you’re already a subscribing member to Netflix, but if you’re not, it’s only 9.99 for HD and 2 screens, or 7.99 for 1 screen and standard definition (for those still without HD TVs.) You can also get a free month if you haven’t already subscribed!
These all look like great choices for my preschool grandson. I know he’ll love Beat Bugs and Ask the Story Bots – perfect for a rainy spring day!
We don’t have little kids in the house anymore so I don’t really keep up with what they might watch. When I go to visit the grandkids they are probably watching some of these shows.
candy recently posted…Radishes Fermented
These do sound like some great shows for small kids. We love TV in this house too, and we watch Netflix a lot. I love that there is a variety of shows and movies to watch.
Amber Myers recently posted…Watching The Movie Now And Then With My Daughter
With my kiddo was younger his favorite show is SuperWhy! As he’s grown older he’s grown out of all the shows but my niece and nephew at the right age for those shows so I’m going to tell my sister-in-law about them. I bet they would like them.
Wow we have Netflix but I didn’t even know these were in here! My son is currently obsessed with Paw Patrol and Blaze so something new would be amazing!
These are all cute shows. My granddaughter is just about to hit the age where she wants to watch all these.
Our granddaughter loves Word Party. I’ll have to check the others out for the next time she is over for a visit.
These are some great selections – there a a couple that my young tweens even still watch! We live in the midwest, so there are days when we simply can’t go outdoors – netflix to the rescue!
Masha and the Bear is one my relatives love. I remember seeing it and cracking up.
This is a great list for my nephew! I’ve been looking for the right show for him!
These cartoons look so cute for little kids. I will pass these on to my friends who have toddlers!
Jaime Nicole recently posted…Five Money Tips for Your High School Graduate
What some great sounding programmes it is amazing the whole host of shows you can find on Netflix these days!
Sarah Bailey recently posted…The Most Important Stop on the Road
Oh wow such a lovely list of pre schooler TV I am not sure if my sister in law has these. Definitely will recommend
Anosa recently posted…Eiffel Tower Tour with get your guide
My son loves Super Why! Another great one they seem to learn from is Umi Zoomi. He easily learned all his shapes from that show.
I haven’t seen most of these, but we absolutely love Super Why in our house! The perfect fun way to not feel too bad about TV time!
Thanks for this list! My sister was just asking me about new shows for her children to watch on Netflix. You just saved me and my sister a lot of time! 🙂
These shows will surely love my daughter. Thank you for the list! I will definitely recommend this to my friends and relatives
I taught my kids in their pre-school years at home and these type of shows were part of our learning process.