In about 7 weeks, we’ll be meeting our 2nd baby girl, which means I need to start thinking about what I need and don’t need for my labor and delivery hospital stay. Most people recommend a ton of useless things, but just remember, most of us will only be there 1 or 2 days so you don’t need to bring your whole house with you. But before we get into what you need to bring, let’s go over some things that your hospital may provide.
The items Legacy Salmon Creek Hospital provided to Me:
Mesh underwear: These things saved my panties from being ruined since you will be bleeding heavily and leaking. They gave me as many as I needed.
Hospital gown: I just stayed in these my entire stay because I kept leaking on them. If you’re not comfortable in the hospital gown, then bring something you’d like to lounge around in. I didn’t feel the need to ruin another clothing item that I’d have to have my husband take home to wash right away.
Non-skid socks: If you don’t have any of these, they make you wear theirs so that you don’t accidentally slip and fall. Liability reasons.
Pads and diaper ice-packs with witch hazel: They made me up some ice packs out of baby diapers that were soothing. They also let me take a bunch of the thick overnight pads home as well.
Baby diapers and wipes: The hospital provided a package of newborn pampers for us and some wipes.
But, babies don’t wet or poo that often in the hospital because our milk supply doesn’t come in until at least the 3rd day after birth. That’s why they lose multiple ounces from their birth weight when they’re not getting enough of the colostrum. So you don’t need to bring any diapers. The package the hospital provides will be enough.
Peri bottle: To rinse while on the toilet. It’s not as great as the Fridet mom washer, but it works.
Numbing spray: To help with soreness that you’ll use when you go to the bathroom.
Nipple Cream: I don’t know if all hospitals provide this, but they do and should have samples sizes of lanolin cream that you can request if you’re in pain. They ended up bringing me some when I told them how sore I was.
Nipple Shield: Again, I don’t know if all do this, but mine provided me with a size Large nipple shield to help aid me on my breastfeeding journey since those first 2 days were painful, to say the least. They recommended not using the shield as it’s just a band-aid, but it did help some. I would have preferred a small or medium size though since a babies mouth is not very big to accommodate the large size. Just ask if they have one on site to help with pain.
Some necessary things you will want to bring for yourself:
Toiletry items: Now I don’t mean rolls of toilet paper, giant bottles of shampoo, towels, etc. If you can’t handle thin sheets of toilet paper, by then all means bring your own roll from home but it’s not really necessary. Bring travel sized shampoo/conditioner if you can’t handle washing your hair for a couple of days, and travel sized body wash, deodorant, toothpaste, toothbrush, and a hairbrush.
I see some people recommending makeup bags, hair dryers, and straighteners. Yeah, you may want to look cute for a hospital photo, but is all of that really necessary? Take baby photos after your hospital stay. The less you have to pack, the better.
Clothes: A nightgown or robe if you can’t handle their hospital gown, non-skid socks or slippers, granny panties and a comfortable nursing bra. You’ll want leggings or yoga pants and shirt for your last day to go home.
Phone charger: Since everyone will be blowing you up once they find out you’re in the hospital.
What to Pack in Your Diaper Bag for Labor and Delivery
Now, this isn’t an everyday diaper bag pack. This is just for labor and delivery and the things you will need for your newborn during your hospital stay.
Like above, you don’t really need to pack diapers or wipes since they give you some, but if you want to for a just in case to be prepared, go ahead.
Outfits: You really only need a couple of outfits, a pair of socks, hand mittens and a hat. They provide a nylon type hat, but I like bringing my own since it makes imprints on their head.
Blanket: A warmer swaddle blanket.
Boppy® Luxe Feeding & Infant Support Pillow: This may seem like one of those things that you don’t really need, but, let me tell you, the Boppy luxe feeding pillow is a tremendous help! They immediately stick the baby on your boob after delivery and will prompt you to breastfeed your entire stay, but the only thing you have to help support you is one of their flimsy pillows. It won’t fit in your diaper bag per say, but it will be needed for feedings every hour or two in the hospital if you choose to breastfeed.
I used my last Boppy breastfeeding pillow for almost 2 years. It was the most comfortable thing for me and my daughter on our breastfeeding journey. She even became attached to it when it was time to wean her, so I had to hide it out of sight so that it wouldn’t be a constant reminder as she’d want to breastfeed like she was still an infant who needed to cluster feed. The cross position was always most comfortable for us. I couldn’t do any other position without it being awkward and painful, which is why I recommend the Boppy® Luxe Feeding & Infant Support Pillow for breastfeeding moms.
Breastfeeding Cover: If you don’t want to be seen breastfeeding by visitors or staff, get one before you’re due.
Bottle: If you don’t plan on breastfeeding, bring a bottle you plan on using as well as some newborn formula.
Binky: If you plan on using one, bring a newborn size binky, otherwise they will provide one on request but they don’t recommend it if you’re trying to breastfeed because of nipple confusion. My daughter didn’t care for the binky so it was fine for us.
Are there any other must-have items that I am missing here that you think is necessary?
*I was given the boppy luxe infant pillow in exchange for a blog post. All opinions are my own and were not influenced in any way.*
This article is so helpful for first-time mamas! Love it!
What a helpful guide! I hope to have a baby in a year or so and this will be such a useful resource for me. Thank you! xxx
A friend of mine is pregnant and just made a Facebook post about what she should pack! I’ll have to pass this along to her.
Very comprehensive list. I can’t think of anything I’d add. The diaper bag looks great!
I’m not a mom but I have 2 sisters that are and it’s a lot of work. I’m going to share this blog with them! You have some great tips here.
This list is so comprehensive and well planned. New moms are sure to gain from this!
Not having to wear that hospital gown after was the best thing ever and I packed luxurious toiletries to pamper myself.
This is a great list. So many bloggers blog about “baby things,” I wish I could have read them during and shortly after my pregnancies. They would have been a ton of help, just like this blog post. Thanks for sharing.
Great checklist for the labor bag! I forgot so many things on my third time but thankfully the hospital had everything easy to get. Those witch hazel pads are epic.
Its a very helpful article. Especially for first-time mamas! Love it!
Great list! And aren’t those ugly mesh panties the best thing ever after delivery?! Haha!
Your list is very helpful, especially for a first-time mom. I agree boppy pillow is essential when breastfeeding your baby.