5 Tips When Visiting SeaWorld in San Diego, California

5 Tips When Visiting SeaWorld in San Diego, California

We had a lot of things planned for our trip to San Diego, but SeaWorld® was our first adventure! Seeing my daughters face light up as we walk up to SeaWorld is one of the reasons I get joy from being a parent.

The first thing we did when we entered the park, grabbed a map. It has all sorts of useful info on them, like times for the dolphin, orcas and sea lions shows and directions around the park since it’s pretty big! Our first stop after we strolled around the park was the dolphin habitat area.

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After we realized that the dolphin show wouldn’t actually be “there”, we started heading in the right direction to make sure we could get a spot since it was almost time for the show. Unfortunately, there were really no good middle spots left and like one partial shaded seat on the very far left which is where we ended up sitting. It was about 90 degrees on October 24th, so I was hoping we would actually get splashed since we were sitting in the soak zone. It didn’t happen though. LOL

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I loved the dolphin show even though it was only about 20 minutes, but my toddler was hot, whiny and didn’t want to sit still for that long.

So, here are my 5 tips…

My 5 tips for visiting Seaworld in San Diego, California.

  1. Bring sunscreen and hats. I, unfortunately, forgot my daughter’s child sunscreen at home so we had to purchase some at the park. San Diego is close to Mexico, so it’s warmish there almost all year round. By the time we left on Halloween day, it was still 70s. But, SeaWorld didn’t have much shade if at all, especially in the show areas since there are no trees.
  2. Bring water and snacks. Everything at the park is expensive and will add up. I didn’t even think to freeze some water bottles and pack them with us, so we ended up paying about $4 a water while there. There was a first aid station where you can fill up your water container for free, which we did once. Then go to one of the many soda stations and fill up with ice, so it’ll be refreshing during a hot day like the one we experienced.
  3.  Wear clothes that you don’t mind getting wet if you happen to mistakenly sit in a splash zone. I saw some people running when they knew a dolphin was coming and ended up getting soaked in the process. It was hilarious, to say the least. Don’t sit down at the bottom if you don’t want to get wet!
  4. Wear comfortable shoes or sandals. I always bring my walking shoes or Teva Mush Sandals. They’re great! My feet don’t get sore after walking around for hours.
  5. Grab a map and plan your show times. Just be sure to arrive 20-30 min early so that you’re able to secure a great view. Middle sections are ideal, of course, and sit in the lower seats if you want to cool off!

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My daughter’s favorite part of Seaworld besides seeing all of the animals was Sesame Street Bay of Play. She was particularly fond of the giant jump mat as you can see by the expression on her face.  We’ve done these jump things in our neck of the woods and she was really scared of them, but maybe now that she loved it at Seaworld she will try the ones around here again without being afraid.

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I couldn’t get her to go on any of the kiddie rides though. She’s still a little too afraid of them after our 2nd year at the county fair. I was surprised that she didn’t even want to go on the teacup either since she loved that at the fair. It even has one of her favorite sesame street characters on it; Abby!

One of my favorite parts was the Wild Arctic because you know, it was 90 degrees and this place had AC and even an ice wall. It was pretty cool!

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We had to eventually leave the cool arctic and head towards the Orca show since it was going to be starting soon. I think the last time I saw an orca whale was when Keiko from Free Willy was at the Newport Oregon Aquarium. It’s been THAT long!

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Seeing the orca’s who are just a different variety of dolphin (something I learned there) was exciting! I also learned that Corky (one of the female killer whales at San Diego SeaWorld) is 53, which is the oldest in captivity currently. That’s so crazy!

We had a great time at Seaworld and we can’t wait to visit again sometime. It was good to have a family vacation that was fun yet relaxing.

SeaWorld®  San Diego provided Mom Life in PNW with two complimentary tickets for review purposes only. All opinions are my own.

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  1. candy
    / 12:46 PM

    One place we have never visited. Now we know all the tips to do when and if we ever decide to visit.

  2. / 2:44 PM

    We visited Sea World years ago when I was a kid but I’ve never taken my kids. Looks like your family had an awesome time. That Sesame Street Play area would be a hit with our little ones. They love Sesame Street.

  3. Pam Wattenbarger
    / 4:26 PM

    Your daughter looks like she is having so much fun! The tip about comfortable shoes is spot on. Having comfortable shoes makes the entire trip better when there’s lots of walking.

  4. Vera
    / 5:51 PM

    Ahh! I would love to see the dolphins and the belugas. They are so super cute! What a fun time!

  5. Carley Clagg
    / 6:58 PM

    The pictures are great! We have a Sea World in San Antonio where we live, but I have to say, the San Antonio location looks much nicer as far as tanks and viewing areas go! Although they did just rebuild the dolphin cove, and we have yet been to see it in person!

  6. Cia Black
    / 7:00 PM

    Its great that your daughter got to had such an amazing time and you are right the price do add up at any major attraction they seem to lock those price up high since you already pai to gt in and it’s to much of a hassle to leave. But at least they let you bring food in, some place have banned outside food which then forces you to pay the outrageous prices.

  7. / 10:13 PM

    Great pics. I had the same idea you had when we visited the zoo, the inside animals were my favorite. Lol. (No sun). I actually love those jump mats myself. 😄

  8. Lyosha
    / 3:22 AM

    It sounds like a great place! So much fun! I now really look forward visiting San Diego! Also I never ever travel anywhere (literally) without sunscreen. Ones I got sunburn walking down the street to buy sunscreen in Costa Rica, it taught me well.

  9. Joanna
    / 3:32 AM

    It looks like you had a lot of fun at Sea World. The dolphins are really cute and the show they’ve made looks fantastic!

  10. / 7:11 AM

    I haven’t been to this Seaworld but have been to them before. I love your tips and will use them on our next trip. I need to pack hats and sunscreen next time and wear clothes that dry fast.

  11. / 7:39 AM

    We did SW in Orlando many years ago but would love to go back. Would love to visit San Diego though too.

  12. / 10:32 AM

    These are fab top tips. I have been to the one in Florida, so know exactly what it can be like – hectic! but a fun day out 🙂 x

  13. I have yet to go to a Sea World, and I want to. I think it would be such a fun experience. Thanks for the tips, they are helpful!

  14. / 1:01 PM

    This looks like such a magical experience! I’ve never been to America before but there are so many places I’d like to visit, including seaworld. Great advice about bringing your own water and snacks!

  15. / 2:36 PM

    These are 5 great tips for any activity you are doing where you’ll be in the sun. It’s important for your skin and keeping the party going.

  16. / 2:46 PM

    Teva sandals really are super comfy for a day of exploration. That’s good to know about getting wet. I wouldn’t outright think that, but it makes sense.

  17. valmg @ Mom Knows It All
    / 4:53 PM

    I’ve always wanted to go to SeaWorld in California, along with many other “parks”. Bringing sunscreen is a must for parks like this, it’s super easy to burn during any time of the year.

  18. Marie
    / 1:36 AM

    Looks like an incredibly fun place to visit! Will definitely remember yoir tips when I get the chance 🙂


  19. Jeanine
    / 6:30 AM

    These are some great tips! Never visited Sea World myself but I know my kids would love to visit if ever given the chance.

  20. / 7:24 AM

    I love Sea World! I haven’t been there for a couple of years but it’s a great place to visit.

  21. / 10:12 AM

    This looks like so much fun. My kids love visiting sea world and aquarium. San Diego SeaWorld is on our travel wishlist, thank you for the tips.

  22. / 12:04 PM

    I have only ever been to SeaWorld in Australia so this brought back some great memories and also made me want to travel to San Diego. Thanks so much for sharing your tips as they are really useful.

  23. Tim B
    / 2:53 PM

    We went to Sea World for the first time with our kids last year. It was a great time! Went to Orlando though so going to San Diego would be a nice new excursion for us. I’ve been wanting to visit San Diego someday to visit the zoo anyways.

  24. Shubhada Bhide
    / 4:23 PM

    Me and my family, especially my kids love visiting places like SeaWorld. San Diego, California is one of the beautiful places on my bucket list. Can’t wait to be there with my family.

  25. Sophie
    / 4:33 PM

    I took my nephew to the Oceanarium in Chicago and they had a dolphin show. I thought he would love it but he was obsessed with running up and down the stairs and climbing on everything. We barely made it through the show, which looked like it was great but I was too busy wrangling a kiddo. Would love to go here, just maybe when my nephew is a little older and in February maybe- think it would be cooler by then, lol!

  26. / 5:04 PM

    We love SeaWorld. We haven’t been in San Deigo, but we love it. You captured some great photos.

  27. Nicole V
    / 10:14 PM

    I live about 2 hours away in Los Angeles and can’t even remember the last time I went to Sea World. I think the whole discussion about the killer whales caused me to lose interest. However, that Sesame Street area would definitely catch my eye and I’m a grown women (almost 40 years old). I LOVE Sesame Street! LOL!

  28. / 10:31 PM

    I’m glad you had a fun trip! I loved Sea World as a kid and I can’t wait to take my own kids someday, probably when they are a little older.

  29. mily jain
    / 11:22 PM

    I love water worlds….such a fun day trip with children it can be…loved the photos will definitely plan a trip someday!

  30. / 6:52 AM

    I visited Seaworld in San Diego long time back.I want to visit SeaWorld with my kids now. Thanks for the great tips.

  31. / 11:39 AM

    Those are good tips. Thing about California is you have to be prepared for warm or cold. So layers and being prepared to take things off or put stuff on works well. Anyway, looks like you had a blast, even if you didn’t get splashed by the dolphins.

  32. Lisa
    / 8:24 PM

    These are some great tips. I would love to visit Sea World San Diego one day.

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