A few months ago, my husband mentioned taking a trip to Hawaii at the end of the year before our little one starts walking so we wouldn’t be too stressed out from having to chase her around. I immediately started saving as much as I could from blogging income at that point because I knew that my husband would probably back out of it when the time comes because of funds being limited. He started this massive backyard project that’s going to take like 5k to finish, and we just got done with our master bathroom remodel in February which cost us 10k. A lot of money, but in the end worth it because it’ll help out with our resell value. I knew with all of those limitations, his mentioning of Hawaii wouldn’t actually happen unless I helped out. I’ve never been there and would love to go of course, so I am all on board!
We decided that early November or early December would probably be the best time to make this trip happen since it’s the cheapest overall for package deals. Just don’t plan to save money around the holidays when people are traveling during Thanksgiving and Christmas.
I think we’re going to stay on Oahu since it’s somehow the cheapest. Maybe more touristy? They want to get you there so you’ll spend more money on what they have to offer? At least that’s my guess considering the capital is on that island.
I also liked Oahu because it has some of the most beautiful beaches and adventurous excursions; we’ll definitely need to be packing our comfy Reef attire and shoes/sandals for exploring the island. My Reef Braided Cushion sandals are a must for this trip. You wouldn’t think a sandal would be that comfortable, but it has support and is cushion-y; feels like you’re walking on air!
I can’t wait for this trip, it’s going to be amazing, that is if I end up saving enough at the end of the year. Hopefully I’ll get to see some pretty blue waters in Oahu that I didn’t get to see while in Mazatlan, Mexico. That’s always been one of my things to see in life, but I may just have to go to the Caribbean some time for that. Beaches around here are mucky, dirty and cold. Definitely not a pleasant experience.
Have you been to Hawaii? Did you love it or was it overrated?
So exciting! I hope you all have a great time! I may be wrong on this, but I think Oahu is the cheapest just because of the sheer logistics of getting things there. People or consumer goods. Pretty sure Oahu distributes most everything else to the other islands. Again, I could be off base.
femmefrugality recently posted…How I Save On Graduation Parties
I guess that would make sense too. And thank you!